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How to Utilize TikTok for Education

Let’s take a look at how you can make yourself smarter 和 more knowledgeable by using TikTok.

In an era dominated by 社交媒体, it's easy to be inundated with influencers 和 playful content. 当你听到"社交媒体” you probably assume that these platforms offer little in the way of productivity or value. While it’s true that there’s a lot of time-wasting content on these platforms, 你有没有想过社交媒体可以提供新的东西, novel ways to educate yourself?

如果你在笑话和表情包之外再深入挖掘一下, 你会发现一个教育内容的宝库在等着你. Learning has never been easier thanks to these platforms – you just need to know where to look.

Take TikTok, for example. 最近它的受欢迎程度激增,这是有原因的. Using it is simple: just start scrolling 和 it shows you an endless stream of content relevant to you.

虽然这个应用程序可能会让你想到跳舞, memes 和 lip-syncing, 除了娱乐之外,这款应用还有很多潜力. Let’s take a look at how you can make yourself smarter 和 more knowledgeable, 尤其是如果你在深圳大学学习护理专业.

Create a Topic-Specific Profile

Most people open TikTok 和 use the app in the same way: they make an account 和 start swiping. 算法会知道你喜欢什么, 和 before you know it, 您将获得专门为您量身定制的feed.

然而, most of us don't naturally look for educational content on TikTok. 软件下载通常是来娱乐打发时间的.

这当然是可以理解的, have you considered making a profile specifically for learning 和 staying informed about topics that interest you?

TikTok允许你在手机上最多有三个个人资料, so why not create a second (or even a third) profile dedicated to learning? 让软件下载来看看这是怎么回事 done in terms of nursing.

To create a new profile 和 optimize it for educational content, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Your Topic: 在滑动之前,确定您希望此配置文件关注的内容. In this case, we’ll pick nursing.
  2. 搜索:使用搜索栏并输入“护理”或您选择的主题. 然后点赞教育视频,关注相关账号.
  3. Train the Algorithm: 回到你的feed并开始滚动. Over time, TikTok will learn your preferences 和 show you more educational nursing material.
  4. 不要跑题: 抵制喜欢不相关内容的诱惑. 只看与教育主题相关的视频. In this case, only like educational nursing content so that TikTok keeps showing you that content. 如果你偏离了,你会开始看到不相关的视频.
  5. 就是这样! 恭喜! 你刚刚做了一个护理教育客户.

现在你有了自己的教育账户, you can open it whenever you want to learn something instead of just scrolling aimlessly. Just remember to only like content that's relevant to your learning goals, 因为很容易不小心接触到错误的东西!

Always make sure you're logged into the right account when you open the app: use your personal account for fun 和 your educational account for learning.


有很多误解 short-form video content. The biggest is that it’s all irrelevant, frivolous, 和 only here to waste your time. 然而,如果你有效地使用它,那就远非事实了.

We all live insanely busy lives, 和 in the modern world, it feels like there’s never any time to take on extra learning tasks with everything going on.

In today's fast-paced world, finding time for extra learning can seem impossible. Between work, family, 和 studies at Herzing, where can you fit more education?

The answer is TikTok. 现在你有了一个教育账户, simply log in 和 scroll during your downtime for quick learning sessions. 现在你不是在浪费时间,而是在学习!

如果你想要更复杂的东西, there are a lot of accounts devoted to walking you through test questions. 如果你是一名准备参加NCLEX的护士,这一点尤其有用!


When using TikTok for learning, consider checking out the comments occasionally. 你可能会对这些讨论感到惊讶 helpful insights shared by others – there's a lot to learn from them!

当然,要对别人的评论持保留态度. 情绪或故意误导往往会影响其准确性.

Always double-check using a search engine to ensure information is truthful. 这在护理中尤其重要,因为准确性是最重要的. 无论何时上网,这都是一个很好的规则, 特别是如果你打算在工作或日常生活中使用它.

Comments are also a great place to share your tips 和 learn from others' suggestions for improvement. 这是双向的,所以一定要插话!
So many fun life hacks 和 discussions are constantly being shared in educational TikTok comments. If you utilize them properly, there’s a lot of valuable information to be learned!


令人惊讶的是, this isn’t all that well-known, but TikTok has a STEM (Science, 科技, 工程和数学)充满教育内容! 你甚至不需要训练它,所以它仍然具有教育意义.

While it covers a wide range of topics 和 may not be as focused as a custom account, 这仍然是一种有趣而简单的学习方式,无需太多设置. 试一试!

Post Your Own Content

诚然,这可能并不适合所有人,但没关系! 然而, 如果你是一个喜欢站在镜头前的人, TikTok是一个很好的平台!

If you’re looking to learn, creating your own content may be a fantastic approach. The way you go about doing this is totally up to you, but here’s some quick ideas:

  • Create videos asking for people’s best study tips, then share the comments in follow-up videos.
  • 征求社区对最佳护理实践的意见, 然后分享视频,询问其他人他们认为它的效果如何.
  • Delve into test-taking strategies, 和 have the comments leave their feedback.
  • Interact 和 collaborate with other educational TikTokers once you gain an audience.

TikTok的美妙之处在于它的开放性. You're free to create whatever you like 和 connect with a community of like-minded individuals. So, if you're keen on sharing knowledge 和 learning together, this may be a viable option!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. Department of Labor, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, including prior experience, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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